My current online activities and subsequent online professional profile have greatly developed over the course of this module. I now appreciate and utilise the online professional, employability and networking opportunities that I once failed to identify – previously favouring the web as a platform for socialisation and recreation. This progression began with the management of my online security. I separated and dissociated my social and professional profiles, making channels like Facebook private in order to protect employability and to retain an effective work-life balance online. I now use platforms that I never used to, and use my existing platforms in a very different way, benefitting my search engine visibility and hopefully my overall employability. Before this course I only had personal Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Despite LinkedIn’s 259 million global users, I was unaware of its existence prior to this course. I now have a profile of ‘advanced strength’ (which acts as an online CV), connections and an increasing amount of views. I additionally follow many fast moving consumer goods companies – to reflect my career aspirations – receiving updates on opportunities and positions, and making my profile more visible to hiring managers. Although I am not currently looking for employment, I have searched LinkedIn job opportunities and I am definite that my profile will prove extremely valuable in securing my future job and increasing my employer visibility. Because of this, I think this is the most beneficial improvement to my online personal persona.
linkedinBefore this module I only operated one social Twitter account. I have since privatised my social account and created a professional profile which I use for discussing university work with colleagues and lecturers, following accounts related to my career aspirations and to keep up to date with current affairs. My twitter bio acts as a quick professional introduction and I’ve gained job-related followers and interacted in marketing related tweets. Additionally, I have started to implement the online mutual learning aspect of the course in my other courses, something I will definitely continue once this module finishes.twitter
I was not familiar with blogging prior to this module, but out of all my channels this is the one I have enjoyed the most and something I will definitely endeavour to continue! It offers employers with examples of my own written work whilst I have the pleasure of reading my peer’s blogs and engaging in online discussion. I have also created my own online material to aid my blogs and further develop my online profile through infographics, SlideShare shows and the video attached at the end of this posting – open access material that will hopefully be shared and used by others in the future. I am very proud of the both British and international views my blog has obtained.
My about.me account (which I acquired during this course) acts as an informal online business card and a chance to display my writing style, offering a simple bio and picture that I have connected to my WordPress account. I previously had no such opportunity to offer a detailed explanation of exactly who I am both socially and professionally and what I wanted to achieve. I think it is a great, sophisticated embellishment to my other online profiles, and advise others to follow suit!


Below is a video of myself reflecting upon what I learnt during this subject and how I will take it into the future. Thank you to anyone who has read and commented on my blog throughout this module! 🙂

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